Chevening Scholarship 2025-2026 | Study in UK
Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025 allow outstanding young leaders from across the globe to earn one-year master’s programs within the UK. There isn’t a typical Chevening Scholar however, we’re searching for individuals with the drive for ideas, creativity, and power to offer the solutions and the leadership required to ensure a better tomorrow.
Since these scholarships are completely funded (flights as well as accommodation and course costs are included) This means that you’re able to concentrate on achieving your professional goals while enjoying the value of the trip of a lifetime. The students will be able to live and learn at the UK for a period of one year, over which you will improve your academic and professional skills as well as network extensively, get to know UK cultural traditions, and develop lasting friendships to the UK. After completing your studies, you’ll depart the UK with the skills and networks needed to bring your unique ideas to the world of.
This section of our website provides all the information you require to be able to submit your application. We recommend that you read the entire document to ensure you stand the greatest chances of being awarded an award.
Details of Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025
Host Country: United Kingdom
Host Organization: Foreign and Commonwealth (FCO) and Partner Organizations
Course Level: Masters degree
Duration: 2 years
Eligible Criteria for the Chevening Scholarship 2024
To be eligible to be considered for an Chevening Scholarship you must:
- You must be a citizen of a Chevening-eligible nation or territory.
- Return to the country of your citizenship for at least two years following the date your award has expired.
- You have completed all the requirements that comprise an undergraduate course which can allow you to gain admission to a postgraduate program at the UK university at the time you apply. It is usually equivalent of an upper 2nd-class honours 2:1 qualification in the UK however, it may differ dependent on the course you choose and the university you choose.
- At minimum 2 years (equivalent to 2800 hours) of professional experience.
- Apply to three of the qualified UK university programs and received an unconditional acceptance from any of these options on or before 13 July 2023.
You’re not eligible for an Chevening Scholarship if you:
- Have British or double British citizenship (unless you are a resident of the British Overseas Territory or hold BN(O) and you are applying for citizenship from Hong Kong).
- Reside in a country not eligible for Chevening. Candidates who are citizens of a country that is Chevening eligible and are also refugees in a country with Chevening eligibility can be eligible for a grant.
- Are you an employee, former employeeor a relativeof an An employee of Her Majesty’s Government or were in the last two years of the date of opening Chevening application (including Chevening applications that include the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office as well as all British High Commissions and embassies as well as including the Home Office, the Ministry of Defence as well as the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and including the Department for International Trade and the UKVI UKVI) The British Council, a sponsoring UK university or a staff member or a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities.
- Former employees, employees, or family members of employees of Chevening Partner organizations are eligible for the award, however, if the employment was completed in the past two years, then you are not eligible to be awarded the Chevening Partner award from the organization where you work in the past, worked previously or have a connection to through relatives.
- Previously studied in the UK using an UK government-funded scholarship.
A master’s degree will not mean you can’t apply for the Chevening Award to study for another master’s degree in the UK in the event that you are able to clearly articulate the reasons why it can help you achieve your goals in career and make a positive impact within your country of origin.
Work Experience
You must make sure that you meet the minimum work experience required for the scholarship before you submit your Chevening application. Chevening Scholarships require applicants to have at minimum two years of working experience.
If you don’t already possess the necessary level of experience in your job then you are not eligible to apply.
Types of work that are acceptable expertise
The kinds of work experiences that qualify for Chevening may be:
- Full-time employment
- Part-time employment
- Voluntary work
- Unpaid or paid internships
Work experience may be completed either before, during or after you have completed your undergraduate courses However, any obligatory job that counts towards your postgraduate or undergraduate program would not be eligible.
It is not necessary to satisfy the requirements for work experience within the same period of time. Candidates can submit up to fifteen different work periods to satisfy the requirements. If you’ve worked more than 15 positions, you must indicate the times that represent the highest amount of hours you employed.
If you’re currently employed, it isn’t required by Chevening that you quit your current job. You should review your applications with the employer. it is your obligation to ensure that they let you go in the event that you are chosen to receive an Chevening Scholarship. They can be referred to the page of employers of our site. The British high commission/embassy or Chevening Secretariat Chevening Secretariat cannot intervene in this.
How do you determine your work knowledge
All entries are calculated using the multiplier of your number weeks you worked by the number of hours per week worked. To calculate this an average working week comprises 35-60 hours while a working year is comprised of 40-50 weeks. Anything that is more than the upper limit of full-time employment is considered unsuitable.
The minimum amount of hours that a candidate must complete prior to applying for Chevening Scholarship is as follows: Chevening Scholarship is as follows:
- Chevening Scholarships – 2 years of experience in the workplace = 2,800 hours
If you’ve been working part-time or even part-time, the minimum requirements has been accrued over a longer time.
Application Procedure for Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025
All Chevening applications are to be submitted via the online application process (OAS). The system will be utilized throughout the selection and application process, and you might be required to sign in again at different times during the process to receive notifications regarding your application status or to provide documents.
We’ve collected information and tips for you to use when you are using an online system for application:
1.) When you can, make use of whenever possible, use the Google Chrome web browser, since it is the most recommended option to get the most out of your experience. We suggest using a PC or laptop instead of tablets or mobile phones.
2.) After you have completed your application , complete it in a fully-sized browser. This will make your application form more easily understand in the format intended for it.
3.) Do not use your browser’s back or forward’ buttons. This will force you out from the program and lose any work you have not saved. Explore the various pages of the form using the menus available on the form.
4.) Keep track of the username as well as password. This can be helpful when you have to login again into the application system online.
5.) Complete the information in a timely manner including your contact information. Be sure to enter an email address that is correct. If the email address is changed after you’ve completed your application, you must modify it on your application or you might miss important information regarding your application. If you are providing another email address, ensure that it’s legitimate and distinct from your initial.
7.) Application forms could require a bit of time to fill out, so think about making your answers offline, and then putting these into your online forms afterward – but remember to erase the question so that there is no duplicate! This is especially important when you’re working on an open computer in the internet cafe, for instance.
8) The questions for applications contain word counts. In the application form there is a list of questions you need to answer. A minimum of 100 words for each answer and up to 500 words per answer therefore, please make sure you satisfy the requirements. Answers that are not more than 100 words are not considered.
9) Save and move! The system does not have an automatic save feature on the system . Each session will end after 60 minutes even if you’re making changes to the form. The entries you have not saved are lost, therefore it is strongly recommended that you save often to prevent losing your work.
10) There is no requirement to fill out the entire form in one go. Click the Logout button (top right-hand corner of the page) and take record of the username and password, so that you are able to return to complete the application in the future. You’ll also be able to login to your application using an email link that you will receive via email.
11) Do not copy work. If material from other sources are used to answer questions on your application, it will be deemed plagiarism and your application won’t be considered by the reading committee. This is an independent entity that performs the initial review of all applications considered eligible. It is therefore important to examine your answers in detail and ensure that they are original and not copied from any other source.
12) The application must be made in English. Any application that is not in English is not eligible.
13) Examine your size, format and file type of documents you plan to upload and ensure that they meet the requirements. The online system can only accept PDF documents in JPG/PNG/JPG formats that are not more than 5MB. Make sure that the file names is not more than 50 characters.
14) Please only submit your application if you are 100% satisfied with the application. If you’re satisfied by your form, hit the submit button. Note that once you’ve completed this, you can’t alter your application other than the contact details section and you can upload any documentation. We expect a huge number of applications, so make sure you allow sufficient time to prepare the most impressive application you can.
15) Remember that you are able to make only one submission, and we will only consider an application for your initial application. If you decide to withdraw your application you will be asked to give a reason in order to withdraw before the withdrawal becomes final. If you decide to cancel your application, you are never have the ability to submit an application for the next year.
References form an integral component of the selection process for Chevening. You are required to supply two names of referees with your application.
If your application is accepted to the next step of the process, you’ll have to submit two letters of reference in the application online system prior to the applicable deadline. Please keep in mind that Chevening does not call your referees in order to submit or edit the references. It is the applicant’s responsibility to find and upload the references on behalf of the referees.
At a later time at a later time, at a later time, the British high commission or the embassy could contact your references for confirmation. We recommend that all applicants submit two references through an online system for application before the deadline. We’ll only accept references personally to the high commission or embassy at the time of interview. The British Embassy or High Commission in your country could ask you to bring documents of the references for the interview. Further guidance will be provided on this subject if invited to be interviewed.
If you’re applying for an Chevening Fellowship, this deadline might not be applicable. You will be informed that you must submit your reference letters prior to the interview.
Who can serve as the referee?
Be sure to select your references carefully. They must be individuals who can provide feedback about your overall eligibility to be considered for the Chevening Fellowship or Scholarship. The referees must be familiar to you in either professional or academic capacity. They must not be close friend or a relative.
If you are contacting your referees, be sure to refer them to the section on guidance below since it contains crucial details about what they need to provide in their recommendation. We also suggest that you request for them to become a referee as soon as you can to ensure they have time to complete the reference.
Frequently Answered Questions
Can I edit my contact information for my referee in an online system for application?
If you want to alter the names of your referees prior to submitting your references before the deadline of 21 February 2023 you can do it through your online application. Log into your application and then click on ‘Submitted/Under Review Applications’. Click ‘Open’, and then go through section three Application Information’. Scroll down to the References section. Select ‘Open’ for the person you would like to change. Click the “Edit Reference Details” button, and then enter the information for the referee you want to change. Select ‘Save Draft’ to confirm. If you choose to alter your referees, make sure that they have time to finish their references before the date.
My references can be sent in a different language?
References must be in English. If you don’t have two references in good standing at the time you interview, you won’t be evaluated as a candidate for an award. Chevening Award.
If the person you are referring to is able to write their references in a different language, you are able to upload it as that you also include a notarized translation in English of the reference in its original form. In this case the reference in its original form as well as the notarised transcription of your reference have to be included in one document. It is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain a notarized translation in the event that it is required.
If a document is submitted in a different language that English and doesn’t have an authenticated English translation included in the same document we won’t be able to accept the reference.
What do I need to do? add my references in an online system for application?
To upload your references make sure you log into your application and then click “Submitted/Under review Applications”. Click on ‘Open’ , and proceed to the section 5: upload the documents’ and then submit. Scroll to the References section, where you can upload two letters.
Do I need to upload how many reference will I need for uploading?
Two different references.
In the event that you are uploading a document from an additional language (along with its notarized English translation) it must be included within one file, and is counted as one of your uploads of references.
You are then able to add a second reference.
The Embassy located in the country I reside is temporarily stopped operations. Where should I send my reference letters?
If the embassy or high-commission in your region has temporarily suspended operations, you must write your reference letters to the Chief of Staff [name of the territory or country[name of country or territory].’
Referees’ instructions
As references are reviewed by the British Embassy/High Commission at the end of the process for selection It is essential for applicants to give as many pertinent information as you can to help the candidate.
References must be made in English. See the above link for more information.
The reference letter must address the British high commission/embassy in the country of the applicant or territory. When the British embassy, or high commissioner in the country of the applicant or territory has temporarily ceased operations, then please send your letter of reference the ‘Chevening Officer [name of the country or territory country or territory. Once you’ve done your application, you must send it back to the applicant. They will upload your information to an online application system.
Your reference should address the following areas:
- Contact details include email address, contact number, and address.
- How long have you been with the person applying?
- In what capacity are you familiar with the person applying? (e.g. professional, educational, supervisory, voluntary, religious, etc.)
- Have you had frequent contact with your applicant?
- A brief support for the applicant including:
- The ability to lead and network.
- Personal as well as intellectual and interpersonal characteristics.
- The ability to finish a rigorous academic course within the UK.
Application Deadline for Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025
The last date to apply for Chevening Scholarship 2024-2025 is November 2, 2024.
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